In the Spotlight is similar to what I did with Artist of the Month, but it’s a little different.

Hit/Miss: Each week, the artist selected to be reviewed will be played, after the show airs, a “Hit or Miss” poll will go up (for 24 hrs only). Fans need to listen to the show to find out who the artist is in order to vote. If that artist gets more 👍🏻 they are in the running for the “Spotlight Artist” the following month. If they get more 👎🏻 then they’re out and one of the other aired artists gets picked randomly. There will be 4-5 selected artists (pending how many weeks in the month), the artist wth the most 👍🏻 will be the artist in the “Spotlight” the following month.

Ideally the review is for artists new to me. Established artists with me will be considered with new music

Click the band name to go to the ARTIST OF THE MONTH page


One of their songs start off my show each week during the month listed above.

They are a contender for Artist of the Year 2019.

(c) 2012 Diamondz

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4 thoughts on “IN THE SPOTLIGHT

  1. I am so very Honored to have known ~Bill Kelley~ for a long time now and have got to love his Music and just as Honored to call him my dear friend. Congratulations Bill for becoming February 2016 Artist of the Month, you earned it as well as deserve it. *Smiles*.

    Liked by 1 person

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